Somewhere in New Mexico I crossed the halfway point for my goal to cross the country in Project Griffin, or Griff for short. I’m not quite halfway across the country, but having driven across Idaho, through Oregon, and down California to begin the coast-to-coast section the odometer has logged...
Orville and Wilbur Wright revolutionized “the flying problem”. They made their first flight on December 17th, 1903. The Wright brothers‘ breakthrough was their creation of a three-axis control system which remains standard on fixed-wing aircraft more than 100 years later. For decades man had looked up at the sky...
#awakensolar, #electricvehicles, #ev, #flight, #projectgriff, #solarev, #solartruck, #sunshinepower, #wrightquestion, Solar
Griff, the 100% solar powered electric box truck I built, (allegedly according to a post on social media) broke down in St. George, Utah! “So WHAT Happened? Did Griff BREAKDOWN?” This was news to me…as the truck in fact hadn’t failed to function. Griff was in Utah in 2019,...
A few people have asked me: “Why did you build a solar powered truck?” “Why bother spending so much time and money on this project?” The simple answer is: because it COULD be done! I kept seeing buzz about electric vehicles (EV’s) and seeing more and more car manufacturers...
#awakensolar, #electricvehicles, #ev, #projectgriff, #solarenergy, #solarev, #solarpower, #solartruck, #sunshine, #sunshinepower, Solar
What does it mean to be sustainable? Webster defines the word as: “Sustainable – adjective – sus· tain· able | \sə-ˈstā-nə-bəl \ Definition of sustainable 1: capable of being sustained 2a: of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damagedsustainabletechniquessustainable agriculture b: of or...
“The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.” – Nikola Tesla I need you to help me solve a serious problem. I don’t want you to have to take large amounts of action, pay a lot of money or have to work really...